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These are all written by people with whom I have met, plus some selfies for your viewing enjoyment.

(If you have seen me and wish to add your own testimonial, please feel free to email one to me!)

"Tonja has a vibrant presence on Twitter: she is consistently full of positive energy mixed with an erotic enthusiasm. She is the same in person, and more! She is a delight to spend time with. Her zest for life and her boundless energy will remain as vivid memories long after the date is over."

-- P, Philadelphia

"Tonja, I had such a fun, yet brief time with you earlier this year. Knowing you from twitter for well over a year certainly heightened my anticipation before I walked through your door, and WOW, were you on point. After warmly welcoming me in, you really gave everything you could give to make sure I had the time of my life. The conversation was epic, The Beer was delicious, and your passion for life was just spilling over the brim. I'd like to hope that our time together was not a 'once in a lifetime' thing, and I am always on the lookout for my next opportunity to see you again!"

-- J, TN

"Tonja first came to my attention on Twitter. She attracted my attention because she was genuinely kind and empathic. She clearly cares about people. And she knows how to manifest that kindness in a way that is both fun and funny. And I find that combination damn sexy.


"Tonja is a consummate professional. Her car literally caught on fire on the way to see me - and she contacted me right away to tell me she might be a few minutes late. And when she walked in the door, despite having a car on fire on the highway, she focused her attention entirely on me.

"So imagine having the an empathic, funny, and physically beautiful woman focus her attention entirely on you, on making you feel good. And you begin to understand why you might want to spend time with this delightful lady."

-- B, Chicago

"Tonja is a gem!  I saw she was asking people to pre-screen as FOSTA was passing and I did, she responded quickly and enthusiastically.  I scheduled a few weeks later and, again, she was quick, efficient and enthused.  

"She obviously enjoys what she does, we had a great time.  She was complimentary, sexy, and fun.  It was an ideal experience.  She just changed her twitter description to 'Professional Personalized Attention' and that's exactly what happened without it feeling like she was doing a job.

"Words can't really describe the delight of the experience."


-- SP, Illinois

"I feel very fortunate to have met Tonja and to have shared some new, and amazing, experiences with her. Tonja radiates warmth, compassion, empathy, and kindness. It is truly a delight to be in her presence. She is the prefect balance of seduction and playfulness. Each time we meet, I feel like I am catching up with an old friend. And, each time we say goodbye I am already looking forward to our next encounter."

-- PJ, Chicago

"The incomparable Ms. Tonja Wallace is a bundle of so many wonderful characteristics. She combines emotional maturity, positivity, and joie de vivre (change to love of life if this is too much) and wraps it a tight, immaculately maintained physical package. Her skin borders on the cliched, yet appropriate in this context, translucent. And her smile and giggle will immediately have you on your heels, in the loveliest of ways.

"I've seen Tonja several times now, both solo and with one of her amazing friends, and each time has been equal parts first date playfulness and longtime friend familiarity. 

"You may like the fact that the "get to know each other" and "insatiable" portions of the date can absolutely and seamlessly be flipped on their heads, should you be so inclined. There is never a set pattern with Tonja, and you'll see that immediately.  

"Simply put, Tonja will transport you to a little world where it's only you and her, believe me when I say this. So, figure out how to see Tonja, and talk about what you like and what she likes, and you'll have the sense that you're both involved in something wonderful."

-- PJ, Chicago

"Tonja is pure joy and delight.  A radiant smile.  An effervescent personality.  Stunning beauty, inside and out.  A deliciously naughty open and adventurous mind.  A kind soul.  Time spent with Tonja is time remembered with a warm glow and a knowing smile that makes others wonder what you've been up to."

-- Phil, Indianapolis 

"Meeting Tonja was truly one of the highlights of my time in this lifestyle.  I have interacted with and been attracted to her for quite a while through her online social media presence and her beautiful, compassionate and witty personality.  Having been a follower of hers on Twitter for a while I was also graced with the ability to see her stunning photos, amazing sock collection and love of people and animals all of which served to draw me in more and more to needing to meet the woman behind the Twitter handle.


"On a recent trip to Chicago, I was lucky enough to have this opportunity.  Screening, date setup and coordination were all handled perfectly and with all information provided well in advance we had no issues aligning our schedules and having the chance to meet each other in person. 

"Tonja is absolutely stunning in person, her photos are beautiful, but do not even scrape the surface of her actual physical beauty, and when you get the chance to have some truly wonderful conversation with her you'll realize her internal beauty as a person shines even more brightly than her outward physical attractiveness. 

"Tonja makes you feel like you've been long time close friends from the moment she greets you and has an uncanny ability to make you feel relaxed from the very moment she first smiles at you.  Tonja is an excellent conversationalist and has some wonderful insights and life experiences that make truly amazing stories to share.  Tonja is a unique blend of rockstar vixen and girl next door that will both take your breath away and make you want to hold her close and share your life stories with each other in hushed whispers as to not break the magic of the moments you create together.  Also, her raw sensuality and love of life and pleasure will keep you entranced for your entire time with her causing the time to slip by effortlessly and the memories of that time will burn brightly in your memory for the rest of your life. 

"Meeting Tonja was not only a highlight of my time in this lifestyle, of my last trip to Chicago, but also she is one of the most amazing people I've had the chance to meet in my life."

-- RW, Atlanta 

"From the moment she first responded...her prompt flirtatious replies drew us both in.  As we approached the day of our date, Tonja’s flirtatious notes via email had us captivated as a couple.  Tonja built a seductive chemistry with her written words, it made our actual introduction so easy.

"I took the elevator down to meet Tonja in the lobby...when the doors opened my jaw dropped.  A statuesque blonde in sexy heels and a fur coat...I couldnt get her upstairs faster if I tried.  She is a bombshell!!!

"She is an absolute joy to be around.  Every moment we have spent with Tonja has simply been amazing.  The way she laughs, the way she smiles, the way she left us both lustfully wanting more will always be remembered. 

"Sexy, fun and passionate are the only words to describe our dates with Tonja.  My significant other still blushes when she speaks of Tonja. "

-- S and B, Illinois

"Though I have known of Tonja since the end of 2010, I didn't finally meet her until February 2017. I can only wonder how more fulfilling and complete my life would be had Tonja entered my life six years earlier.  What an amazing and lovely human. Her smile brightens the darkest room.  Her kindness warms your heart. Her laugh is infectious.  Her body entices. Her touch is mesmerizing. And her aura brings you back for more of the above. 5' 10", lithe and lean, perfectly callipygous, a real-life pleasure-delivery system -- Tonja Wallace is my favorite creature on the planet.  Drop her a line, introduce yourself, get to know her, and spend some quality time together.  You will never forget her..."

-- TS, Chicago

"I've known Tonja for almost 5 years now, and every time I see her, I feel younger and younger!  Tonja makes you feel like you are a special person in her life, not because she's acting, but because she really feels that way! I cherish my time with Tonja.  She's the most positive and generous person I know."

-- Sy, Illinois

© 2023 by Tonja Wallace

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