Tonja Wallace
Screening of a new client is mandatory before setting an appointment. Screening is for my safety only, and all information provided to me will be destroyed for discretion's sake. All that you and I do, including all your information sent to me for screening and private communication, will be kept in confidence for a discreet return to your daily life. No one else reads messages sent to me, and I do all my own screening. The screening process is non-negotiable. Unwillingness to be screened means we are not a match and I wish you well on finding another provider. I am also very happy to pre-screen someone, for easier scheduling at a later date--simply let me know you're wishing to pre-screen. This is a great option for people who tend to be last minute with their appointment requests.
There are two ways you may schedule an appointment with me. The first option is the application, which I prefer you use if you have never seen a provider before. This application is below. If you have seen other providers, it will speed along the screening process greatly if you can include them in the appropriate fields. Please be sure you include the provider name, web address, and email information. A personal copy will be sent to the email you provide upon completion for your records in order to reference it and be sure everything was included correctly.
The second option is to send me a message including ALL of the following information to tonjawallace(at)protonmail(dot)ch:
Your name as on your drivers license
Your phone number
Brief description of your appearance (for verification only--if you wish you may include a NON-lewd photo, but that is not mandatory.)
How you found me
Two provider references from the last year
(MUST include their website and email addresses) -
Any websites where you have an active profile (P411, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, so on)
I reserve the right to decline any appointment for any reason I consider needed. If you do not hear back from me within three business days, be sure to check your spam folder. If still no email has been received, this means you have been declined. I will not respond to emails that do not provide the necessary information, that ask rude or inappropriate questions, or that ask questions easily found on this website.
If you are a respectful person, I am sure we will get along wonderfully! I hope we can connect!