Tonja Wallace
Gifts are never necessary, but are always appreciated. The best gift is to enjoy seeing you again!
If you do wish to give something to me, the following are ideas (all gift cards can be sent to tonjawallace at protonmail dot ch):
Air New Zealand gift cards!
Lingerie - size small for garments, medium for panties, or 32B (US sizing) or 10B (Aus/NZ) for bra size.
Books on human sexuality, history, or rare first editions are a joy to me.
Jewellery with beautiful sparkle or chains. I actually prefer fake/lab-created diamonds and gems over real diamonds! And opals are my all time favourite stone.
I love fun clothing, and in general my size is small or extra-small for tops or dresses, and medium for bottoms. Dress size is usually 4 in US sizing. I'm delighted to wear for you something you've bought especially for me!
Donations made (USA) to Planned Parenthood, ACLU, NPR, Sierra Club, or other charities working with environmental issues, civil rights, sexual education, wildlife preservation, STEM (especially helping women in these fields), or anything else helping with the overall betterment of the world and its residents make me happy. Aotearoa New Zealand folks may look at this list to find one. Helping each other, supporting trans people and youth, and working to save the environment seems more and more vital with every day, and I encourage you to support these groups if you are able, whether or not you do so on my behalf!